Avah Cherry riding her mountain bike
Avah Cherry, sophomore aerospace engineering major, studies in the passenger seat while her UT club cycling teammates travel to competitions.
The Tickle College of Engineering has reached a major milestone for annual research and development expenditures that puts the college in an elite tier.
Collage of photos of Dustin Gilbert, Sergei Kalinin, Art Ragauskas, Ivis Chaple Gore, Wes Hines, Scott Emrich, and Anahita Khojandi
Researchers in the college are working on several projects including neutron scattering techniques, AI, bunker fuel, and imaging equipment.
Nuclear Engineering
Generations of nuclear engineering Vols have trained on UT’s graphite pile, immersing themselves in the field’s history while preparing for bright futures.
Tom Berg and Xueping Li look over a project slide together.
The college is partnering with UT's College of Nursing on a research and development initiative aimed at enhancing high-consequence operations through a sponsorship by Y-12 National Security Complex.
Kevan Bai taking a look at his compact drive inverter.
Professor Kevin Bai is spearheading efforts to develop a compact drive inverter and motor for EVs that would reduce the size and cost of electric drive trains.
Lynne Parker headshot
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of the AI Tennessee Initiative Lynne Parker retired in May after a 22 years shaping the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.

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