The University of Tennessee led a groundbreaking demonstration that showcased Army soldiers with no previous additive manufacturing experience printing and repairing a part for a Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
The University of Tennessee has received a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation to lead a new Global Center for Sustainable Bioproducts.
MABE assistant professor, Wei Wang, received an NSF CAREER Award for his research on the way liquids interact with soft textured surfaces.
EECS professors Jayne Wu, Charles Cao, and Hairong Qi are part of an interdisciplinary team working with dairy farmers on a solution to early detect mastitis in cows.
#EngineeringVols Get Social
World Engineer's Day
It’s #WorldEngineersDay! 👷 To celebrate, we’re sharing photos from our global #EngineeringVols and their travels while studying abroad!Instagram • September 15
Tennessee Engineering Network
Tickle College of Engineering Dean Matthew Mench met with the Tennessee Engineering Network for a luncheon, to provide an opportunity for members to connect with fellow engineers, gain insights into the TCE, and engage in meaningful discussions.LinkedIn • August 13
Engineers in Paris
Congratulations to our Olympic #EngineeringVols! 🏊 🏆 In Paris, TCE’s own Brooklyn Douthwright (MABE) of Canada and Martin Espernberger (@eecs_utk) of Austria represented their countries in the 2024 Olympics!Facebook • August 5
Researchers from across the college are working on several projects, including updating computer chips and turning EV batteries into power supplies.
UT is the lead institution for a $25 million cooperative agreement awarded by the National Nuclear Security Administration.
It’s been one year since the UT received a prestigious Materials Research Science and Engineering Center and the collaborations have led to breakthroughs in the lab and an appreciation for a different style of research.
Thanks to a grant from the UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (UT-ORII), Corder and Hubbard are collaborating to improve resin extrusion by integrating state-of-the-art processes, novel rheological protocols, and more sustainable inputs.
CEE professor Shuai Li is working on a solution to more expediently assess damage after major natural disasters using drone technology.
Anahita Khojandi and Xiaopeng Zhao have been selected for the AAAS 2024-25 Science and Technology Policy Fellowship.
MABE Associate Professor Caleb Rucker and a team from the University of Tennessee are part of a landmark, multi-institution surgical robot project that received up to $12 million in funding from ARPA-H.
UT Assistant Professors Sai Swaminathan and Sukanya Moudgalya have teamed up with a local nonprofit to tackle food inequity and bring engineering skills to high school students.
Assistant Professor Jian Liu created HarmonyCloak, a tool that prevents artificial intelligence from replicating copyrighted music.
Grad student Brian Washington and his lab partner Colt Griffith created their own battery technology start-up, AluminAiry.
Engineering students Martin Espernberger and Brooklyn Douthwright competed for their respective countries during the 2024 Paris Olympics.
MSE students visit Washington D.C. for Congressional Visits Day to advocate for basic research and development funding.